VideoCast: Starting a new Project

The Project

For TDLR people; I plan on creating a casting app for samsung TV and my android phone. The android app will allow me to send a video link to my TV app which will then stream the video.

For the rest, please continue with the article.

My GSoC Journey/Dealing with GSoC failure

The GSoC season is about to begin and here is a post reminiscing my memories of GSoC. Might also be a good read for someone who has failed a GSoC.

My experience with GSoC is a classic example of how things eventually work out in the end if you keep trying.

Revamping the Blog

The Old Site

Installation guide for Antergos

Antergos is a distro based on Arch Linux. In this post, I will share my experience of installing Antergos with some of the problems that I faced and their solutions.


My XDC Experience

As the title suggests this post is about my experience at XDC. XDC stands for X.Org Developer’s Conference and is the annual conference of the Linux graphics stack community which includes a lot of projects, some of them being: kernel DRM module, Mesa, Wayland, and X server. During XDC I presented the work that I did as part of GSoC2018. This year XDC was hosted by GPUL (Galician Linux User Group) in A Coruña, Spain, from the 26th through the 28th of September.
