GSoC Project Summary

This post will act as the final Work Product for my GSoC project. Christian König mentored me for the project. I will start the post with the initial project abstract and how that converted into the actual project that I worked on. After I will discuss the result of my project followed by a summary of the work that I did during the summer. I will end the post with a short discussion on future work. The patches that I wrote as part of the GSoC have been merged upstream and are also available here

A Personal Guide to Linux kernel's Makefile

I have been working on the linux kernel for the past 2 months as part of my GSoC and during that time I had to deal with the Makefile in the Linux kernel. The Makefile has some handy targets which are not easy for a beginner to find. In this post I will talk about some of the targets that I found useful during my work.

GSoC Update: The Debugging Conundrum


The ISCA Experience

drawing This post is about my recent trip to Los Angeles, USA for presenting my work titled “DFCM++: Augmenting DFCM with Early Update and Data Dependency-driven Value Estimation” at Value Prediction Championship (CVP) held in conjunction with ISCA 2018.

GSoC Update: The Implementation Ahead

I am back with another update. In this post, I will discuss the implementation plan that we came up with to add dynamic scheduling to GPU scheduler and also some of the initial problems that I faced during the implementation. I will first start by explaining some of the functions before I start talking about my work. As usual, I will assume that you have read the posts that I have written before this, if not please give them a read before going over this.
