GSoC Update: The Implementation Ahead

I am back with another update. In this post, I will discuss the implementation plan that we came up with to add dynamic scheduling to GPU scheduler and also some of the initial problems that I faced during the implementation. I will first start by explaining some of the functions before I start talking about my work. As usual, I will assume that you have read the posts that I have written before this, if not please give them a read before going over this.

GSoC Update: A Curious Case of Dependency Handling

Dependency handling is the core part of my GSoC project. In this post, I will cover the existing dependency handling that is implemented in DRM scheduler and the one that we are planning to implement for the project.

GSoC Update: Understanding the GPU scheduler

It’s been 3 weeks since I started working on my GSoC project. I am working on the DRM GPU scheduler to improve the load balancing and have more dynamic scheduling of jobs, for more details read this post. This is my first update for the project. I wanted to be more frequent with the updates but I was unable to due to my trip. I had planned on doing bi-weekly updates for the project but this update got delayed by 1.5 weeks.

My GSoC Project: Improving the GPU scheduler

I’ll be spending my summers with the Xorg community (more specifically dri-devel community) to Improve the GPU scheduler which is part of the Linux DRM subsystem. This post sheds more details on my project and is a somewhat extended version of my GSoC proposal.

Looking forward to the Summer

Today I got the result for my final semester at IIT Kanpur. This ends my coursework at IITK (not necessarily my stay thought :) ). There is a lot to look back on, memories and regrets but let’s walk down this lane some other time. There is a lot to look forward to for the summer. I will be focusing on that for this post.
