Writing bindings in Rust: Part 2

In the last post, we looked at how we can write a crate which allows raw access to C functions. In this post, we will write a safe abstraction for this crate. We will be using a part of evdev-sys as an example to see how to write the wrapper functions.

Why do we need a wrapper in the first place?

The wrapper is a way of writing a safe abstraction around an unsafe C function which would allow us to use rust specific constructs like ownership and borrowing to ensure memory safety. This abstraction also allows us to hide details of the bindings and the end user can use it like any other normal rust function. We can also introduce an API which is more object oriented than the one which provided by C library.

Let’s begin

This is the lib.rs that we are going to use for the example:

extern crate libc;

use libc::{c_int, c_char};

pub enum libevdev {}

extern {
    pub fn libevdev_new() -> *mut libevdev;
    pub fn libevdev_new_from_fd(fd: c_int,
                                ctx: *mut *mut libevdev) -> c_int;
    pub fn libevdev_free(ctx: *mut libevdev);
    pub fn libevdev_get_log_priority() -> libevdev_log_priority;
    pub fn libevdev_grab(ctx: *mut libevdev,
                         grab: libevdev_grab_mode) -> c_int;
    pub fn libevdev_get_name(ctx: *const libevdev) -> *const c_char;
    pub fn libevdev_set_name(ctx: *mut libevdev, name: *const c_char);

We not only need to write safe abstractions but we also need to make the API object-oriented. Since most of the function take a libevdev device pointer we can declare a Device class and make all these functions its methods. We will have the Device struct which has the raw pointer to the libevdev device.

pub struct Device {
    raw: *mut raw::libevdev,

Notice that we have not made the raw pointer public as we want to avoid unsafe access to C pointer by the user. In rust, the methods for a struct are written in an impl block.

impl Device {

Let’s start with the libevdev_new function. We need to call the function and then return a Device struct with the libevdev pointer. We will remove libevdev libevdev from libevdev_new according to rust’s naming conventions. Also notice that we are returning Option<Device> instead of Device because it is good rust code. Rust provides us with Option<T> to deal with function in which we might not always return the required value.

impl Device {
    pub fn new() -> Option<Device> {
        let libevdev = unsafe {

        if libevdev.is_null() {
        } else {
            Some(Device {
                raw: libevdev,

libevdev_free needs to be executed once the use of the libevdev device is over. Rust provides us the drop trait for this. We don’t need to free the device ourselves instead we specify the code that needs to be executed once a value goes out of scope and rust will execute it for us. We need to implement libevdev_free in the drop trait for Device.

impl Drop for Device {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        unsafe {

Now’s let write a wrapper for a function with some arguments, most of the arguments types are easier to deal except for the Strings.

pub fn new_from_fd(fd: &File) -> Result<Device, Errno> {
    let mut libevdev = 0 as *mut _;
    let result = unsafe {
        raw::libevdev_new_from_fd(fd.as_raw_fd(), &mut libevdev)

    match result {
        0 => Ok(Device { raw: libevdev }),
        k => Err(Errno::from_i32(-k)),

pub fn grab(&mut self, grab: GrabMode) -> Result<(), Errno> {
    let result = unsafe {
        raw::libevdev_grab(self.raw, grab as c_int)

    match result {
        0 => Ok(()),
        k => Err(Errno::from_i32(-k)),

as comes in handy while converting between rust and c types. However, we need to put more effort to convert an str to char * and vice versa. To get a char * from str we use libc::CString i.e.

pub fn set_name(&self, name: &str) {
    let name = CString::new(name).unwrap();
    unsafe {
        raw::libevdev_set_name(self.raw, name.as_ptr())

The code for the other way around is slightly bigger so we better declare a function to convert from char * to str.

fn ptr_to_str(ptr: *const c_char) -> Option<&'static str> {
    let slice : Option<&CStr> = unsafe {
        if ptr.is_null() {
            return None

    match slice {
        None => None,
        Some(s) => {
            let buf : &[u8] = s.to_bytes();

pub fn name(&self) -> Option<&str> {
    ptr_to_str(unsafe {

We have almost completed our wrapper except for one last function which shows the use of enums in rust.

pub enum LogPriority {
    Error = raw::LIBEVDEV_LOG_ERROR as isize,
    Info = raw::LIBEVDEV_LOG_INFO as isize,
    Debug = raw::LIBEVDEV_LOG_DEBUG as isize,

pub fn get_log_priority() -> LogPriority {
    unsafe {
        let priority = raw::libevdev_get_log_priority();
        match priority {
            raw::LIBEVDEV_LOG_ERROR => LogPriority::Error,
            raw::LIBEVDEV_LOG_INFO => LogPriority::Info,
            raw::LIBEVDEV_LOG_DEBUG => LogPriority::Debug,
            c => panic!("unknown log priority: {}", c),

We have written a wrapper for evdev-sys. You can have a look at the repo for the complete bindings. Here are some references which I found useful:
